There are many (maybe too many) aspects to take care of when writing a piece of code: performance, maintainability and readability, for mentioning a few of them.
One aspect I find particularly interesting is “expressiveness” which means “the ability of enunciate what is being done”.
Since I am a Javascript Hipster (“I loved it before it was catching on”) I would like to show some examples of how Javascript lets us be really expressive working with arrays (and some particular functions): forEach, filter, map, reduce, every and some.
Even though “Expressiveness” is an attribute often associated to the language, all of them let us be more or less expressive when writing different pieces of code that do the same. Because of that, it would be more precise to say that a piece of code is “expressive” if it is capable of really enunciate what is it doing.
Let’s consider, for example, this group of people:
Now, let’s traverse this array and, for each person, print “Name is age years old”.
This piece of code is fairly straightforward, short and readable enough. Though, that doesn’t make it necessarily expressive. What we were trying to do: Print “Name is age years old” per each person. This is what our code is actually saying:
- Initialize a variable named i with the value 0.
- As long as the variable is lower than the persons quantity, increment it and run the following code block:
2.1. Get the name of the person at the index equals to the previously initialized variable.
2.2. Concatenate a space, a hyphen and then another space.
2.3. Concatenate the age of the person at the index equals to the previously initialized variable.
2.4. Log the result on the console.
Let’s start by extracting the code inside the for to a function receiving a person as parameter. The function prints the specified pattern.
If you are now thinking “this is not even related to Javascript and its arrays functions”, you are right. All you need is to have a little patience.
We just encapsulated a functionality in order to hide it complexity. Even though encapsulation is a concept mainly related to the Object Oriented Programming paradigm, it can be achieved in so many different ways and functions are an ancient way of doing it. The goal of encapsulating code is not to make it more expressive, but it does it in most of the cases as a collateral effect.
If we read the new code (skipping the new function description):
- Initialize a variable named i with the value 0.
- As long as the variable is lower to the persons quantity, increment it and
- Print the pattern for the person at the index equals to the previously initialized variable.
Though the code has turned into something a little bit more expressive, it seems to be more concerned for the variable i, its initialization and limit than focused on the person itself.
Fortunately, there are other ways of traversing an array. For example, the Array.prototype.forEach(function)
If we read this new code:
- For each person, print the pattern.
This way, this piece of code does and expresses exactly what we want it to.
However, regardless reading it is much simpler, it’s necessary to understand what’s going on behind the curtain.
For starter, something to highlight about Javascript is that everything (or almost everything) is a message. This means that objects, functions, methods and values are messages (or expressions) and hence, can be passed as parameters.
Unlike the for that is a statement, the forEach is a method belonging to the object Array (or its prototype). Combining these concepts, forEach traverses the array and invokes the function it received as parameter, on each iteration. During that invocation forEach passes to the other function, the element that is being iterated.
This could be a homemade forEach impleentation:
Additionally forEach receives a second (and optional) parameter that represents a function that will be invoked when the array traversing is over. This could look useless for the examples we are working on, however, it becomes essential when working on an asynchronous development scenario (as you would have working with NodeJS).
There are 2 other parameters that forEach passes to the other function:
- index: The index of the element being iterated.
- array: The full array.
forEach does not return any result, but it’s possible to modify the array being iterated inside the function it calls (we will learn that it must be done carefully).
Not suitable for under 25s
Let’s suppose that a really exclusive bar is not suitable for under 25s. We could try to write a piece of code that removes from the array those people that don’t match that criteria. The piece of code looks like:
Note: splice is useful for removing elements from an array.
If we run this code, we will get the following output:
For some reason, Jane Doe successfully beat our bar’s security and slunk. That reason is cause of countless bugs on countless pieces of code.
On each iteration index is incremented by 1. First time (index=0) we find John Doe, 27 years old. It is kept in the array. Second time (index=1) we find John Doe Jr, 3 years old (who, of course, shall not pass). When we remove him from the array Jane Doe is moved to the index 1 and Julian Doe to the index 2. Third time (index=2) Julian Doe appears. This means that Jane Doe has been skipped. It’s like if the security guy turned away each time he pull someone away from the bar, and at that moment let anybody go in regardless its age.
It’s usually not a good idea to modify the array being iterated. As a workaround we could use an auxiliary array and overwrite the original once the iteration is over.
Regardless of the previous code malfunctioning, let’s analyze its expressivity:
- For each person:
1.1. Check if it’s age is greater or equals than 25.
1.2. If it isn’t, remove 1 position from the array starting at index. - For each person, print the pattern (special care to the code in order to understand that it means “for each person that has been kept in the array).
It doesn’t seem to be that bad, but we are still aware of the array, the index and the comparison logic. Furthermore, if we wanted to reuse this code for removing people younger than 18 we would need to duplicate it. Let’s start by tackling this second issue
Functions creating functions
This is a Javascript feature that, properly used, allows us to write expressive and highly reusable code. Let’s take this code as an example:
olderThan25 is returning a function that receives a person and returns true if that person is older than 25. It means that, when we assign the result of its execution to the older variable, older(person)
will perform the previously mentioned evaluation.
outputs false
Applying this same concept we can achieve a more reusable and even more expressive piece of code. Let’s pass the “age threshold” we want to evaluate as a parameter
Now we can create as many functions we want with different thresholds and name these in a way that represent what it’s being done.
Applied to the previous code (that was trying to remove people younger than 25):
- The code is still not working (the problem described above is still there).
- Even though the readability has improved, it’s still being read as “if the person is older than 25, remove 1 position from the array starting at index”. Expressivity is almost the same.
Fortunately JavaScript gives us an array method that does exactly what we are looking for. The filter method receives 2 parameters:
- callback: The function that evaluates the condition that defines if the element being iterated belongs to the set. It needs to return true if the element belongs, and false otherwise.
- contextObject (optional): The object that will be used as this inside the callback function.
At the same time, filter passes 3 parameters to callback (the same way forEach does):
- element: The element being iterated.
- index: The position of that element inside the array.
- array: The array being iterated.
Unlike the forEach, filter does return a new array with the elements that match the test performed by callback.
Considering this new method, the next piece of code solves the requirement:
About its expressivity, it could be read as:
- Filter those persons not older than 25 and print the pattern for each one.
An issue about this method expressivity is its name filter (and/or the fact that it removes the element when callback returns false). This would make us to read “filter older than 25”, when we are doing exactly the opposite. Well, nothing is perfect.
Watch your weight
We have succeeded at working with each person in our group and performing operations with each one of them. But lot of times we’ll need to work with the group as a whole.
Let’s suppose that our persons are stepping into an elevator. For security reasons, moderns elevators use a scale in order to make sure that the maximum allowed weight is not exceeded. Let’s try to avoid the shame of hearing the buzzer and calculate the total weight in advance:
Some observations about this code:
- As we have seen, forEach receives a function as its first parameter. This far, we used to create the function as a previous step and pass its name as parameter. However, since function is an expression that returns a function, Javascript syntax lets us to define the function in place. This function in particular has no name. These kind of functions are called anonymous functions. Functions categorization would worth its own post.
- Since forEach is not returning any value, it’s necessary to define an external variable that accumulates the successive sums.
- The code we are going to write is not automatically more expressive than the one we wrote above (IMO), but doubtless, it turns amazingly easy to get when we understand the meaning and importance of map and reduce methods.
Step by step. Let’s first consider how sensitive people are about their weight and let’s try to keep it confidential. Let’s obtain a new array that only contains the weight of the people in our group.
This code can be read as:
- Declare an empty weights array.
- For each person, invoke a function that receives the person and its index inside the original array.
- The function gets the person weight and assign it to that index but in the new array.
In general, we call “to map” to the process of associating elements from one set with elements from a different set. This means that the code above “maps people with/by their corresponding weights”. It would be nice to be able to write that same thing in Javascript the following way:
As a matter of fact, if we defined weight as a function that returns the weight of a person, the code above does exactly what it says.
The map method receives the same 2 parameters than filter:
- callback: The function that determines the association criteria (it must return the value to map to each element).
- contextObject (optional): The object that will be used as this inside the callback function.
At the same time map passes 3 parameters to callback (the same way forEach and filter do):
- element: The element being iterated.
- index: The index of that element in the array.
- array: The array being iterated.
map returns a new array with the elements of the second set. In our case it returns an array with people weights.
Going back to our example, each weight doesn’t help us to determine whether is dangerous to activate the elevator or not. We still need to get the total weight.
Following the previous approach, and taking advantage of the map function, our code would look like this:
It means that we first get the weights array and then we iterate it performing the sum. This is a small (almost trivial) improvement in comparison with our last version.
The term reduce is, IMO, not too much descriptive in regards to the goal of this method. Other languages (associated to the functional paradigm) usually refers to this function as fold. A good approach to understand it is to think about reduce as “summarize”. We want to find a single value that summarizes every other values. For example, 10 summarizes 4, 3, 2 and 1 if we consider the addition as a way of summarizing. 24 summarizes 4, 3, 2, 1 if we consider multiplication as a way of summarizing.
So, defining sum as:
and considering the following piece of code:
we could read: summarize by sum the weight of the people. Or, sum the weight of the people.
reduce method receives 2 parameters:
- callback: The function containing the reduction logic (the way of summarizing).
- initialValue (optional): The initial value of the acummulator.
At the same time, reduce passes 4 parameters to callback:
- previousValue: The result of callback last execution, or initialValue (the first time it’s executed).
- currentValue: The value being iterated.
- index: The position of that value inside the array.
- array: The array being iterated.
reduce returns an only value that matches the result of callback last execution.
There are some qualities of reduce that could label it as a recursive method. Instead of thinking reduce as a function that iterates the array applying callback, we could think about it as a function that takes the array first position and applies callback passing the current position and the result of reduce for a second array that goes from the original array second position to the last one. This is meaningless when using it, but knowing this, will help us to understand how it works, why it accumulates and how the initialValue works.
A visit to the drive-in cinema
People get out of the elevator, jumped into the car and drove to the drive-in cinema. They choose a not suitable for under 18s movie. We need to figure out if every person in the car matches the criteria.
There are several ways of achieving this. For example:
- Iterate and query
We are using the olderThan(threshold) in order to generate the function olderThan18.
- Reduce by applying the logical “AND”
- Mapping the ages array and reduce by applying the logical “AND”
This one is similar to the previous one, but before reducing we get the ages array and hence, instead of using a function that receives a person and compares it age, we are now using a similar one that simply compares the age. greaterThan18 is generated in a similar way than olderThan18.
All these solutions have the same problem (or improvement opportunity): These are evaluating the entire array regardless what happens with each element. In our case, evaluating the second element we could tell that not every people are older than 18. In boolean evaluations, this is known as “short circuit evaluation”.
In both cases, evaluating whatever is useless.
This seems to be meaningless in a 4 elements array. However, what would happen if we had a bus, train, or plain trying to enter the drive-in cinema? Aside from the probable venue space issue, our solutions would be using unnecesary processing cycles A.K.A bad performance.
The way of solving this issue is breaking the iterations when evaluation is no longer needed. The instruction break does exactly that, but is not suitable for the methods we are using (as it is for the classic for). There are other “techniques” for quitting these methods, but none of them is smart nor recommended (for example, we could assign 0 to the array.length if we didn’t need to keep working with the array. We could also make a copy of that array if we wanted to change its length without any problem. Or we could just throw an exception and catch it immediately after the method call).
But there is a reason for this problem to appear when using these methods. On the forEach case, that reason is even explicit at its name. For Each element in the array implies that all of its elements will be iterated.
Going back to the expressiveness topic, none of our solutions turned to be too much expressive (do the exercise yourselves of identifying what is being said by each one and what is being done). The statement should be simpler. Verify that every person is older than 18.
This solution says and does exactly what we are looking for. It returns true if every people in the array are older than 18. Otherwise, it returns false. In addition of being highly expressive, every respects the short circuit evaluation. This means that it will stop iterating as soon as it founds a not matching person.
every method receives 2 parameters:
- callback: The function evaluating the condition to match (it must return true or false).
- contextObject (optional): The object that will be used as this inside the callback function.
At the same time, every passes 3 parameters to callback (the same way that the other methods do):
- element: The element being iterated.
- index: The index of that element inside the array.
- array: The array being iterated.
every returns true if all its elements match the condition, or false as soon as it find one element that doesn’t.
Looking for a suitable movie
Movies age restrictions must be observed. Although our people didn’t find any “suitable for all audiences”, a new release has just appeared and it can be watched even by children with adult supervision. Putting aside these adults criteria, let’s write a solution that evaluates if at least one person is older than 18. Before showing all the alternatives (the way we did for the previous scenario every), let’s think: wouldn’t exist any other method capable of saying and doing what we are looking for? The short answer is yes:
some method receives 2 parameters:
- callback: The function evaluating the condition to match (it must return true or false).
- contextObject (optional): The object that will be used as this inside the callback function.
At the same time, every passes 3 parameters to callback (the same way that the other methods do):
- element: The element being iterated.
- index: The index of that element inside the array.
- array: The array being iterated.
some returns false if none of its elements matches the condition, or false as soon as it find one element that does.
As I mentioned at the very beginning, expressivity is just one of many aspects that must be considered. Many times this aspects run into conflict and it’s necessary to evaluate which one is the most important.
Let’s consider the following problem: I must get an array with people with weight under 130 pounds and older than 10.
Using what we have seen, we could naturally think that the following solution is the ideal one:
As a matter of fact, this solution is not ideal. It’s just expressive. When filtering, we are iterating the array. When filtering twice, we are iterating 2 arrays. If persons contains N elements and M are older than 10, the solution will iterate N + M elements. The following solution might be a little bit less expressive, but we can be sure that only N elements will be iterated:
When compromising aspects, it’s necessary to consider the use case. If our arrays are containing families (a few elements), we might allow ourselves to have the most expressive code. But if we were processing the entire electoral roll, we should better worry about the performance.
Javascript syntax is powerful enough to let us work with the good parts of the procedural, object oriented and functional paradigms. Good practices of each paradigm could give us advantages when trying to improve some aspect of our code. Most of the times, when improving one aspect, we will be worsening others (For example: More Expressivity -> Less Performance). In occasions, these aspects will be related in more complex ways (For example: More Performance and Good Expressivity -> Less Flexibility). It’s part of our job when writing a piece of code, to evaluate which aspects we want to favor and which ones we will be punishing. Most of the times we will jump into the pitfall and favor those aspects that we like the most. That’s something to avoid. In order to know which aspects should be improved, the best option is to consider the use case.